TRAIL NAME: Millard Canyon Falls (North of Altadena)
Join us for a great hike out to Millard Canyon Falls on Cinco De Mayo (or Return of the Fifth!). This is a great shorter hike, but with a little workout upon return from the waterfall section of the hike for a fantastic view the city area.
HIKE DATE: Sunday, May 05, 2019
MEETING TIME: 7:00 am – 7:15 am
(We will wait until 7:15 am and then drive to the trail head parking)
Return Approx: 10:30 am
HIKE LEAD: Diana Herrera
HIKE LEVEL: Level 3 – (Some rocky trail, shorter distance, some mild uphill sections)
Find out more about hiking levels here:

HIKE DISTANCE (Level 1) : 1.5 miles round trip (Approx.)
HIKE DISTANCE (Level 3): 2.8 miles round trip (Approx.)
HIKE DURATION (Level 1): 45 – 60 Mins (Approx.)
HIKE DURATION (Level 3): 1.5 Hours (Approx.)
PARKING: You will need an Adventure Pass parking permit usually $5.00, buy at REI/BIG 5 or another designated sports store before arriving to meeting point. You can also purchase an Annual pass for $30 (and ask for second vehicle annual pass for an additional $5, total $35 for two).
Loma Alta Equestrian Center (North side of Loma Alta
(Meet: Corner of Loma Alta Dr. and Sunset Ridge Rd.)
644 W Loma Alta Dr.
Altadena, CA 91001
We can condense cars and carpool from here. Plenty of street parking. We’ll be driving from here to the trail head parking lot.

TRAIL SURFACE: No full dirt path, very rocky floor, and loose gravel.
EXPOSURE: Shady trees with small calm side stream
HIKE TYPE: Mild Beginner
HIKE WALK-THROUGH: The short Millard Canyon Trail leads up a tree-shaded canyon with rocky terrain and a few easy stream crossings. The trail is a shady canyon alongside a stream with regular flowing water, that ends at a 50′ waterfall. We will return on the same trail.Level 3 (extends the hike): And then, we’ll head up the single track Sunset Ridge Trail with gradual 1200 feet of elevation gain ending at the fire road and our turn back point. If you bring some food, we can have a small lunch gathering at the trail head upon return.
REQUIREMENTS: WATER (1/2 liter or two 20 oz water bottles). Comfortable hiking/sports shoes with good grip. Snack/small lunch for our main stop.
RECOMMENDED: With regards to water, hydration packs are suggested for quicker access to water during uphill activity. Dress in light colors as we’ll be exposed to the sun often. Bring small snacks to eat along the break. Cool fruits are great for your snack stop.
RESTROOMS: There is an outhouse-style restroom near the begging of the trail head, however, we recommend using the restroom prior to arrival because they are really not well kept. Plus, it’s a relatively short hike.
DOG-FRIENDLY?: Dogs are allowed, however, we are requesting that your dog be friendly to other dogs and hikers. You must clean up after your pet and bring a water container and their own water.
- http://www.simpsoncity.com/hiking/millard.html
- http://www.hikespeak.com/trails/millard-falls/
- http://nobodyhikesinla.com/2015/10/13/millard-canyon-falls/
1. Read the Hike’s Details we link at the very top of this page.
2. Make sure that the Hike Level accommodates your hiking experience.
3. If, and only if it suits you, then RSVP for this event and show up the day of the hike with all necessary gear and water (we mention everything you need on the details page for this hike).
We take your safety quite seriously, and would not like for you to attend a hike you’re not ready for. You know your body and hiking experience better than your friends. Whether you are a first-timer or an experienced hiker, please read our hike details page as the hike may not suite your experience level. We have a better experience if every hike has hikers of the intended level.
DISCLAIMER: LA Trail Hikers and its Leads/Organizers/Participants do not take responsibility for any harm,bodily injury, accidents, or damage to personal property. By clicking “Attending,” or attending the hike, you confirming that you understand that all outdoor activity such as hiking, backpacking, and trekking have an associated danger, and will not hold any hike lead/organizer, participant, LA Trail Hikers, or any group associated pet responsible for any hazard to your well being. Additionally, you will not be allowed to participate with the group if you are not adequately prepared with enough water and the right gear/equipment/nutrition essential to complete the hike. You are fully responsible for yourself.
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